5: Mindfully engaging the core

We are now inviting you to direct your attention to the core.

This would be edited to show the movement.

Note to Merete: The demo would only be here if we didn’t have the movement as part of the above video.

See specific experiences:
0′ 27″: From background to foreground
1′ 39″: Frustrated / high energy
4′ 00″: Vague / low energy

Practice 5 minutes every day

Start the practice with the Core experiment that you like best.

Then, experiment with your core for a few minutes. You can go through all the variations described in the video clips or choose one of the variations.

We also invite you to practice in everyday life situations, as described in the video clip above.

Same as after the first session:

  • Partnership: At least once before the next session. See instructions for partnership or small group.
  • Solo journaling if you don’t have a study partner. See instructions.